Parenting tips: finding the right balance

We always hear that the secret of the wonderdads and wondermums is in the balance they found between work, parenting, adults moments and moments by their own. And they make us dream. How can they be such successful at work and such wonderful at home?! We can all run a "no regrets" life, we just need to find the right balance for us. How to find this balance while raising a kid? Every parent is different and every kid is different.

Here are some general tips which can work for everyone:

-keep a time just for you: whether it is to do nothing and have some rest or to go to the gym or to the hairdresser it is important to have this moment. If you are a working parent it could be just booking an hour (on your lunch break for instance) to do what you need/like to do.

If you are at home and have no one to look after your kids check your local council website you might be eligible for few hours child care. Otherwise ask a baby-sitter. Word of mouth really works to find the right one.

-if you are a couple keep one moment just for the two of you once a week. Even once every two weeks could be appreciated. Even if it is to stay at home spending the evening talking about everything while your little one is sleeping, it could really be beneficial for your couple.

-take care of you. We know how confidence is important for our wellbeing. Don't stop taking care of you. We can easily give up when a little one arrives in our life and even more when the second one arrives. If you used to take care of your appearance before having a child don't stop. It seems really basic but it is important. We want to feel good and if we stop taking care of us we won't like what we will become and we will loose confident. Keeping five minutes every day just to take care of you could really help. It can just be taking time for a face mask, a quick blow dry or to stick with your make-up routine.

-try to run a healthy life. The more energy you will have, the more winning spirit you will be. Sleep as much as you can. One of the most challenging thing when you are parent is to live being constantly tired. So try to go to bed earlier (than you did before having children). We all know that waking up is already scheduled by our kid ;). Eat fruits and vegetables. Again it seems basic but they are full of vitamins. Eating fruits and vegetables can really be beneficial for your health and your energy. Do some sport if you can. If you don't like sport even choosing the stairs instead of the elevators can be beneficial for your health. We are not talking about doing a marathon but just more physical activity when we can.

-stay sociable and have fun. One of the most important thing if you don't want to be depressed is to stay sociable. Continue seeing your friends as much as you can. Having kids should not stop you being sociable. Yes you can still go to the pub, just need to go at the right time for everyone. You can still invite your friends and spend a great night altogether while your kids are sleeping. Continue to have fun.

-and it's ok if you bring your little one with you to the restaurant. Don't be scared about bringing your baby to the restaurant. You know when you can and you know when you can't. If it's occasionnal don't hesitate! Babies are really good at sleeping in noisy places. Of course there are somes ages more challenging than others and some times you will really feel uncomfortable doing this. But most of time we put pressure on us while children are great in being able to adapt to the situation. It is just two hours. We are not talking about bringing your kids to a nightclub. So try it, you will be impressed!

Do you have any other tips?

Looking forward to hearing how these tips have improve your day to day lives as parents.

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